May 26th 2024
New Start Time - 12.30pm

Fancy Dress

We are looking for lots of children to get into Fancy Dress. There will be different age groups linked to entries and every child will receive £1 for entering! 
Please meet on the Green in your fancy dress at 12.45pm. 


Cream Tea in the Marquee
Candy Floss
Pimms Tent

About the Fair

East Prawle, Devon’s most southerly village The Village Green goes back in time hosting traditional fair rides, delicious refreshments, stalls and live music. At 12.30pm the fair kicks off with the traditional “Raising of the Glove” ceremony which according to legend signifies free trade and clemency during the fair. The Swingboats are always popular together with a Coconut Shie, Darts, Skittles and a Test your Strength machine! There are loads of other stalls to visit from Tombola to Whisky Galore!! For children there is a Fancy Dress competition at 12.45pm and Maypole Dancing after. If you fancy chucking a wet sponge at our local District Councillor in the Stocks I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to cheer you on in return for a small donation. If you’re after a bargain the Bric a Brac stall is back and may have something to tempt you or you can enter one of the fun competitions to see how your Knobbly Knees or ‘Andsome Ankles measure up to the opposition!

Comittee Members

Every year, about February, a group of willing and able volunteers get together in the village hall to decide if we should; and when to have the Prawle Fair. They then gather the troops from the village to run stalls, bake cakes and errect the tentage. 

Chair - Tudor Brown
Vice chair - Robbie Bunn
Secretary - Jackie Eaton
Treasurer - Mary Roberts
Marketing - Sarah Bolton
- James & Richard

If you would like to get involved, please do contact us as we are always in need of volunteers; especially on the day and the day after !